Does Better Sex Equal Higher Productivity?

Kaamna Bhojwani- Sexuality Expert
3 min readJan 24, 2023

“Sex energy is the creative energy of all geniuses. There never has been and never will be, a great leader, builder or artist lacking in this driving force of sex.” — Napoleon Hill

Now that’s what I call a stake in the ground.

And while a peek into the bedrooms of the great change-makers of our time may feel gratuitously voyeuristic and potentially unappetizing (I’m looking at you, Elon Musk), there is something to Hill’s claim worth exploring.

After all, sexual energy is simply that — energy — which when harnessed, released, exchanged can evoke experiences of creativity, vitality, connection, and joy. At its most sacred, sexuality is a proven pathway to the divine, opening up channels between the earthly realm and the cosmos. Although maybe don’t add Tantrika to your resume just yet. We’re not ready.

Real time poll I conducted on Instagram — 25 respondents

Sadly, the reverse is also true. When our lives are lacking in this vital energy, we feel deflated, depressed, inflamed. In women, sexual shame shows up as self esteem and self confidence issues. In men, body issues often related to sexual shame manifest as negativity and hostility towards women. In our current goal-driven paradigm, sexless marriages (less than 10 times a year) are on the rise, because let’s face it, with two partners shimmying up the corporate pole, two kids in Russian math, violin, and soccer, aging parents and a mortgage — the only thing a bed really feels appropriate for is a Melatonin induced slumber. (Let’s not forget our complete disdain for anything that is relaxing, pleasurable and **gasp** not measured in OKRs). Have a seat Barry, but don’t knock your blue balls on the way down.

Women suffer equally from a lack of intimacy — it’s a patriarchal fallacy that their sex drives are lower than men’s. When sexuality is at its peak, women describe themselves as feeling “powerful”, “free”, “fun”, and “alive”. “It’s a perpetuating loop of positivity and energy”, one of my research participants revealed to me.

Tell me again how sex is something that happens just in the bedroom.

Studies reveal that people who have positive attitudes towards sex have better sex, more satisfying relationships and overall higher life satisfaction. Sexual intimacy reduces stress, increases endorphins and is directly related to overall mood. And the reverse is also true. Men and women who reported satisfaction with their jobs also reported that sex was better, compared to those who didn’t find their jobs satisfying. A fascinating study also showed that the busier couples were, the more sex they had! Upto a certain point (60 hours/week seems to be the tipping point).

So as a sexuality expert, I advise you this: tend to your sexual wellness, if not for itself, which is a worthwhile goal, then do it for your career. Maybe you’re waiting for technology to provide a biohack that eliminates the need for sexual intimacy altogether. I happen to think the old fashioned way is much more fun.



Kaamna Bhojwani- Sexuality Expert

Studied sex, spirituality and psychology at Columbia University. Host of KaamnaLive (Insta/YT). Connect with me: