Love Is The Highest Frequency

As a child I used to talk to the clouds

Certain something was there but couldn’t say it out loud

A soul a spirit something divine

Beaming straight into my heart not to my mind.

We manage to eek it out of kids in the end

Tell them to put away all their imaginary friends

To beam back to earth to things we can see

As if to hide that love is the highest frequency

Soon starts the mission to get to the top

To fit the mold, the pace is non-stop

We get busy chasing the things we think we want to be

Successfully forgetting that love is the highest frequency

And when the plaques adorn our walls and our homes are dotted with waterfalls

We’ve made our parents proud

our names stand out in a crowd

Just when you think you’ve got everything you set out to gain

You feel your heart sink in pain

You bought into a story

Of power and glory

It’s meant to feel insane

It’s not meant to bring pain

The feeling of emptiness borders on indecency

Something about love and its frequency?

A repressed dream, a silent scream

Scrolling till our thumbs go green

Something breaks something implodes

There is no light at the end of this road

I need to wake I need to break

Something inside you starts to shake

There’s no peace outside that can be your guide

You realise your only hope is to turn inside.

But who’s there when you descend those realms

Beyond the lack of joy and purpose that overwhelms

The little child that wants to love

Still talking to the clouds above.

Then you realise what actually matters

Is matter,

It’s the energy that we diffuse and scatter

Instead of guarding and protecting and wielding it for good

We shy away from things our brains never understood.

We built a kingdom on logic and sense

And desperately seek the source of our dissonance

We missed the memo and will search for meaning ceaselessly

Until we relearn that love is the highest frequency.



Kaamna Bhojwani- Sexuality Expert

Studied sex, spirituality and psychology at Columbia University. Host of KaamnaLive (Insta/YT). Connect with me: